Marijuana Addiction

Marijuana addiction is a stage at which an individual using marijuana cannot carry out the essential duties of his/her demands without using marijuana. Marijuana users use dry leaves, stems or flowers from the cannabis plant. Most bhang is taken into the body by smoking just like a cigarette. Bhang is We consider bhang as an unlicensed drug in the society, hence possession and consumption of it lead to hash legal law action to individuals identified. People develop different behavioral qualities that cause others to describe them to be using marijuana.

Marijuana addiction requires an individual to develop complicated issues, or in the relationship. Such an obstacle might include; destruction of significant body organs like brain, lungs and heart. Destruction of this important organ because of marijuana addiction makes individuals develop sign and symptoms that show that they are addicted to marijuana use. This article explains the grand signs and symptoms that an individual will show to be considered as marijuana addictive.

One of the common sign of marijuana addiction is the formation of a fresh group. As the saying runs, birds of the same feathers flock together. The addicted individual will always select an individual prone to marijuana addiction to befriend them to form a new social group. The earlier groups break up unexpectedly. The individual will neglect even the family to associate with a new group and associates.

Neglect of warning from the employers and also ignoring the negative influences of marijuana addiction. No employer will entertain the employee to be a marijuana addict as it is illegal in the society. Most employers will offer warnings to an individual found violating this regulation and even reaches a point of firing some employees. Any individual neglecting these warnings and regulations is an obvious indication that an individual is a marijuana addicted.

Another common sign of marijuana addiction to an individual in the development of emotional mood swing after the individual has used the bhang. Some individuals use marijuana to raise their moods in a specific situation. People who are not moody before marijuana use are marijuana addicted.

Feel of fatigue and sleepy before the use of marijuana is another sign and symptom of marijuana addiction by bhang users. A healthy person becomes weakened and sleepy after carrying out hard work, but for marijuana users, they will become fatigued and sleepy before the use of marijuana. After the use of marijuana an individual will come to the normal condition and indeed more effective.

The physical presentation of individuals who are marijuana addicted also changes among individuals such as appearances include bloodshot eyes, dry mouth and poor hygiene conditions among the individuals.

People who are marijuana addicted will always continue to carry out a specific task, even after being warned of the danger of doing such tasks under the influence of marijuana use. Marijuana addiction will make an individual to risk this danger in an institution.

People prone to marijuana addiction always at risk as indicated above and also risk the lives of other individuals in a society.

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